President — Angela Cowdy Past President — Art Holloway Secretary — Carol Morris Treasurer — Joelle Parr Members at Large: LilyLegacy Jan Levitt Ryan Michie Tim White Student Reps Hope Andrew Abby Weiss
In the summer of 1979, John Pariselli put an announcement in the North Frontenac News advertising an organizational meeting to be held at Sharbot Lake Public School for the purpose of mounting a theatrical production. At that initial meeting of about fifteen people, it was decided to perform Alice in Wonderland, a play that would allow the group to involve a large cast, make use of the musical experience of members and appeal to a general audience. We performed three nights to sell-out crowds.XXXAs a result of a small profit being made, we had to keep financial records of a sort; Kevin Long agreed to act as Treasurer. John Pariselli acted as President and Artistic Director for the first two years. With high enthusiasm and support from the community, the group expanded rapidly and a second production, Arsenic and Old Lace, was produced in the spring of 1980. XXXForty years later the North Frontenac Little Theatre Company continues to fluorish. In that time the Company has produced over seventy shows. Check out 'Past Productions' for photo galleries from all of these shows!
Fiddler on the Roof — 1996
Nunsense — 2010
The NFLT Executive is always glad to hear from performers, helpers, members, and others who take an interest in the group. Select “Contact” to get in touch with us.
It has been 40 wonderful years since we produced our first play, Alice in Wonderland. That was nearly 80 plays ago! Join us in our new home, the Oso Hall in Sharbot Lake.